So many of us have amazing dreams and goals, but we aren’t doing what needs to be done to achieve them. Are we not motivated? Inspired? Do we not believe we can get there? Are we afraid of how much our life will change if we do? I don’t know the answer for you. But you do.
We humans want what we want because of a feeling it will give us. We think that if we weigh a certain weight, have that amazing partner, get a raise, or open that business that you will feel something, and it will create our happiness.
What I want to offer you is that it happens the other way around. The emotions you experience drive all your actions. The things you don’t do, and the things you do, are because of an emotion or a feeling. How you conduct yourself is a direct result of how you feel, but where do your feelings come from? People are always blaming other people or situations for their feelings. I’m sorry, you don’t get off the hook that easy. You cannot change other people or circumstances, but you can change your perceptions.
Our feelings come from our thoughts. Truth is most of us aren’t very in-tune with ourselves and aware of our own thinking. Our brain has helped us with this because it loves to be efficient, but we get caught in certain habit or thought loops that were created over time to help us learn and do things quicker and to protect ourselves. We live habitually about 90% of our time. For example, we don’t need to think about how to dress, brush our teeth, drive, and other daily tasks, which in some ways is helpful. But if you want to change a result in your life, you need to think, feel, and act differently if you want a different outcome. If you only change the action, and not the thinking and emotion that fueled that action, you are fighting a losing battle, the change won’t be permanent.
Your perception of yourself, your worth, abilities and beliefs matter. What you think about is important. The world is full of loud negative voices saying you can’t or it’s too hard. The loudest is usually found in your own head because you have stored things up through the years and have made some of them mean things about yourself.
There are many distractions that offer temporary quick feel-better feelings, which unfortunately usually offer the opposite outcome you truly desire, and that is why being aware and intentional with your thinking with the goal in mind will benefit you greatly.
If you are holding back and not moving towards your dreams and goals, it is only because of a thought error that is creating an emotion that is causing you to procrastinate, get off course, or stop. This can be changed. Instead of justifying this, compassionately ask yourself, “what am I thinking that is causing me to feel like giving up?” or “Is this thought creating the energy I need to keep on course?” If it isn’t, you have the right, the ability and power to change the thought if you want to. I highly suggest taking time to find out why the thought came into play first.
Nothing outside of you can take credit for your success or your failure. It’s how we look and perceive those things that make all the difference. The answer is in you. As a life coach, I am trained to help you see those thought errors and support you through the transformation process. If you are curious about the process I use and see if we might be a good fit, you can book a free virtual coffee with me.